
(Willkommen, Bierfest!)

Willkommen, Bierfest!


システムデザイン&アートワーク:居酒 枕
2017年 作
ルール 日本語  | English

Today is a festival that drinks beer a lot and deliciously. However, do not drink without thinking. Timing is important for delicious drinking. It is important to taste after raising your desire to drink as much as possible.
Also, occasionally everyone forced participation "Prosit!" will interfere with your plan.
How much can you deliciously enjoy beer?

プレイヤーができることは、カードを集めるか、カードを得点に変えるか、の2択でシンプルです。が、だからこそ、手札をできるだけ多く集めて高得点を目指すのか、それとも早めに得点に変えてしまうべきか... どちらがよい判断なのかに、悩んでしまうはずです。
"Willkommen, Bierfest!" is a card game of a set collection that collects cards of the same type, and a chicken race in which all hands are lost when "Prosit card" gather.
What you can do is simply to collect cards or convert cards to scoring in two choices. But, so, should you better collect as many cards as you can and aim for a high score? Or should it be better to change to scores earlier? Which is good judgment of the, you should become troubled.
Also, this game is an interesting place where you can control the cards that the next player draws since it draws cards from the deck after returning cards that do not need to the deck.